Somatic Archaeology©

An indigenous healing approach to clearing 7 generations of historical trauma in your mind, body, and Spirit.

Somatic Archaeology©

The practice of Somatic Archaeology was created by Dr. Ruby Gibson (Lakota). Somatic Archeology helps you ‘unearth’ feelings, sensations, thoughts, unhelpful generational patterns and that are stuck in your mind, body, and Spiritual self. Somatic Archeology is a ‘bottom-up’ approach which means you focus on areas of your body that are making you feel stuck or disconnected.

In traditional psychotherapy, the Western therapy model uses ‘top-down’ approaches. These ‘top-down’ approaches can give us useful Information about our thoughts and beliefs but does not give us the felt sense of our issues.

Trauma often harbors in our bodies, not just our minds. By going into our bodies first, we are able to get to the root cause of what’s making you feel stuck. According to Somatic Archaeology, we carry traumas, memories, and intergenerational  patterns in our muscles, blood, organs, and bones.

What you can expect during a Somatic Archaeology© Session

When you meet with me for a Somatic Archaeology session, we will meet for 90 minutes. When you meet with me for a session, I will offer education on Somatic Archeology and help guide you with meditations, breath-work, grounding skills, movement, and somatic or body releases.

During a typical session, you first notice, sense, and feel sensations in your body. This is what makes Somatic Archaeology a ‘bottom-up’ approach.

Then after you notice, sense, and feel sensations in your body, you come up to your mind and interpret this new informations that you have gathered.

The final step of Somatic Archaeology is to reconcile within yourself and your lineage by breaking contracts and making amends. 


 step one

Under my Contact page, schedule a free 15 minute mutual fit call. Or you can fill out the Submission Form and I will email you back.


step two

Determine if Somatic Archaeology© will be in alignment with your values and what you need on your healing journey.


step three

Schedule your first appointment!