Trauma Center Trauma Sensitive Yoga (TCTSY)

Created for people to take back their power by reclaiming their mind & body.

 TCTSY has foundations in trauma theory, attachment theory, neuroscience, and hatha yoga.

What is Trauma Sensitive Yoga?

TCTSY  is a body-based adjunctive clinical and evidence-based treatment. The TCTSY methodology is based on central components of the hatha style of yoga, where participants engage in a series of physical forms, movements, and breathing practices.

Unlike many public yoga classes, TCTSY does not use physical hands-on adjustments to influence a participant's physical form.

Rather, TCTSY presents opportunities for participants to be in charge of themselves based on a felt sense of their own body.

TCTSY can be a stand alone treatment or practiced during part of your counseling sessions.

TCTSY can help support can support those whom have experienced: PTSD; complex and developmental trauma; family violence; sexual assault; or other trauma, dissociative and emotional/behavioral related difficulties.

During a TCTSY session, you can:

  • chose to come out of a form at any time.

  • you are invited to make choices in your body.

  • you can move in your own way.

  • you can make a different choice in your body at any point.

As your facilitator, I will be moving alongside with you. However, there is no pressure on on moving the way I’m or having to do the “right” form. The practice of TCTSY aims at taking back your power in YOUR body and making choices that feel supportive in the present moment.

If you are meeting with me for individual counseling, we can incorporate TCTSY in the beginning or the end of your session for 15-30 minutes.

If you would like to meet with me individually for TCTSY, we will meet one-on-one for a 50 minute movement session online.

step one

Under my Contact page, schedule a free 15 minute mutual fit call. Or you can fill out the Submission Form and I will email you back.


step two

 Determine if TCTSY feel supportive for you. Decide if you want to incorporate TCTSY in your counseling sessions or meet with me primarily for TCTSY.


step three

Schedule your first session!